Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Time to test the waters ... and when will the 'bots be back?

Hey all, this is the second post for the blog -- and the initial response has been pretty positive. I don't want to burn up too many good future blog topics yet, so I'm choosing one that should have a pretty short lifespan ... so without further adieu ...

How long do you think it will be before the mass majority of bots will be back up and running on MTGO once Version 3.0 is released? What kind of effect will the lack of bots have on the secondary market? If new players come on board right at the release of 3.0, what do you think the secondary sales market will be?

**** Oh, for new players -- a 'bot is a automated, interactive client within MTGO. In other words, some accounts are run by a program to automatically support trading without a person on the other side of the keyboard. Most of these bots have set prices, some selling certain cards for X amount of tickets, while others sell X amount of cards for a single ticket. So when dealing/trading with a bot, you can enter trade with one of these automated (bot) accounts, and as you pull a card from their trade binder -- it will automatically pull a ticket (or tell you a price) for the card(s) you've chosen. ****

Bots in MTGO in general are both beloved and hated because of how they impact the secondary market of the game -- but that's definitely a topic (or topics) for another column at a later time!

Personally, I think a bot-free environment will raise prices (at least initially) across the board. One of the good things about having so many bots in MTGO was that they were self-regulating in terms of pricing. In other words, they kept the market from having large spikes as a whole by being available in large numbers. That's not to say that certain cards wouldn't have large price spikes or drops -- but that the large number of bots acted as a stabilizing influence on MTGO secondary sales as a whole.

I think a early on with the release of 3.0, you'll see MTGO buying/selling/trading look a lot like it did when the game was first released. More interpersonal, and more relationship based.

That's a good thing, and of course, a bad thing. The good things will include people honestly trying to help new players by offering them help and service along with their trades. With a bot, a player is left alone to choose the cards they want -- but with a real person, they can help a player choose cards that might compliment their collections, or a certain deck.

For example, if I pull 4 Stone Rains from a player's trade binder as part of a 32-for-1 ticket trade, they might also suggest some other commons/uncommons to compliment a deck that runs Stone Rain. Maybe some low-casting cost creatures, or additional land destruction spells. That sort of feedback and instruction is invaluable to the newer Magic player.

Another positive with direct interaction that you don't get with bots is the ability to haggle. A lot of the current economy is based on the basic limitations of the bots and the MTGO client. That's why the 32 common for 1 ticket standard is so prevalent throughout the game. If you're trading with another player you trust, maybe 50-for-1 trades will make more sense for both sides. Or maybe the ability to add certain commons, uncommons and rares will make the market a bit more manageable for people just starting out and building their collections.

Of course, the dark side of all this person-to-person trading will be some of the same old horror stories MTGO veterans have heard before. People trading a new player only a few crappy commons for multiple tickets, or conversely, trade them only a single ticket or two for powerful rares like Wrath of God or the 2-mana cost green creature that must not be named on this blog ...

So, what's your thoughts? Are you an optimist or a pessimist regarding the relatively bot-free environment we'll have when MTGO opens up? And how long do you think it will be before the majority of bots will be back online with 3.0?

Let me know, and make sure to post -- remember, your inputs make this blog a better resource for others -- and the MTGO community as a whole!




Anonymous said...

Bots will be back before you can say Tarmogoyf

Don! said...


The creature that shall not be named on this blog has been named!


TCTSNBNOTB is evil, evil I tell you!



The Other Van Gundy said...

Hey, wanted to leave a comment and tell you that I think this blog's a great idea, and I'll be following it with some interest.

No particular thoughts on bots - I'm sure the guys who program them will get on top of that post haste in order to keep making money.

I think MTGO blogs are something sorely needed, so I'll probably pester you with my link once I get back to working on it.

Best of luck

Unknown said...

Great idea. I started about three month's ago, and made all the mistakes. Bought a pre-con and some boosters to start, because that's the way we always used to start in paper. THEN I found the forums and learned what a big mistake I had made! After getting waxed in a couple of drafts, and losing to sharks in a couple of leagues, I had dropped $150 and had not much of a collection to show for it! I wasn't even competitive in Casual! Then I discovered the bots, and PDC! sold all my rares/uncommons, bought a complete 4x playset of all the standard commons, and I was back! Now I can play competitive Magic in PDC and on occasion whoop the $$$ decks in casual, and it feels SO much better to win against a $$$ deck when you are playing only commons! Now I draft occasionally and play a league occasionally to start adding to my decks when I want, but I know I can always play PDC and I will never because of not having money for a better deck, but now I lose because the other guy is a better player or has a better read on the current Metagame.

Jabawoky said...

I am personally hoping thats bots will be back up soon. I dont use them often i just prefer automated trading.

PS Really looking forward to see where you take this blog

Sacrificial23 said...

You forgot to mention that several of the people on the bots had multiple bots that said almost the exact same thing on them (ironically, these bots were the biggest ripoffs)

Good luck with the blog, I'll be reading it

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a great idea.
When i started I had NO idea about tix and such. I bought the packs and a couple precons....yeah, too little for too much money. This blog could be an invaluble resource for many people....as long as they know about it.... It kinda sux that you cant really warn anybody setting up a new account to not buy those packs/decks...its like the expensive initiation ritual of MTGO. :)