Saturday, April 19, 2008

Holding pattern

Hey all, if you haven't noticed -- this blog is kind of in a holding pattern at the moment. The release of v3 has been a little bumpy for Magic Online right now, and I expect it to remain that way for the next few days at least.

That presents a pretty large challenge for a project like this -- when the only reliable and repeatable method for getting cards and such is through the MTGO online store.

The first few 'bots have come online today, and I'll put up a new poll later this evening. The original poll showed that 71% of you were looking forward to having the bots return, with 15% of you happy that they're gone. The remaining 12% of folks weren't concerned one way or another.

Store coupons, like the one you get when you start a new account aren't working either. So, I'm sitting on the initial $9.99 coupon for the ThriftyDjinn screen name as we speak.

With all that having been said, if anyone knows of any good places or value deals for people to get cards -- feel free to add a comment to the blog, or drop me an e-mail at to let me know. I'll post the best ideas up here and hopefully some of our early adopters can get a good bargain while they're waiting for the masses to come running into MTGO.

Okay, one final note -- I'd like to thank everyone who has visited the site over the past week. Someone overnight was the 1,500th visitor, and I've had more than 340 hits from unique IP addresses -- that's not bad for an initial 'word of mouth' blog opening. I hope that as the kinks get worked out in MTGO and this blog that it will be a place you want to recommend to your friends and anyone interested in playing Magic Online.



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