Monday, September 8, 2008

Just stating the obvious ...

Dear MTGO family,

I really hate writing this post, but it's a bit easier than thinking of reasons to not write another column for the time being.

To be honest, I just feel like there are better things to do with my time than play/write about MTGO at the moment. The time/value just isn't there for me at the moment.

Part of the problem is that the 3.0 version of the game still has too many issues -- both social and within the code itself. Part of the problem is that the game as a whole, both digital and paper is kind of blah to me at the moment.

However, the biggest problem is simply that I would rather be doing different things right now, both from a personal and a gaming perspective. As some of my closer friends know, I've been very involved in 'real life' politics this year. Regardless of your political leanings -- and I don't mix my gaming interests with my political interests -- if you're an American, you really need to vote.

As far as computer gaming goes, I'd really rather play both Warhammer Online and WoW before MTGO at the moment -- and Madden 09 as well. Not to mention about 10 more titles due out before Christmas.

I'll still sling the old paper cards a bit on the weekends. I'm not excited about having to travel so much to play in a good Vintage tourney, but I do plan to make a couple of pilgrimages later this year after the elections and such.

Plus, I now have two kids in high school ... that means more time taking them to football practice, band rehearsal and everything else that goes along with having active teenagers around the house. My family needs my time, and that's getting to be quite the limited resource!

Anyway, this isn't a goodbye or farewell as much as it is a time to recharge my batteries post. I still think Magic -- both paper and digital -- is one of the greatest games out there. It's just that I'm feeling an ebb towards Magic that's exasperated by some ebbs within the game itself.

I'm looking forward to a time when I'm excited about the game again -- and when that time comes, I'll definitely write about it. Maybe it will be in a continuation of this blog, or maybe in some other venue -- but I'm not leaving the game, just taking a break/breather.

Regardless, I will still be spending a little money each month on MTGO -- and I look forward to spending a few nights each month tossing virtual cards around the old monitor at home. If you catch me online, feel free to say hello -- or anything else good or bad, for that matter!

One last thing, never forget -- People > Pixels. In the end, that's what's important.

