Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I've got a hole in my pocket ...

Ouch, my computer's had a few issues since last week. Sorry for the delay in posting. I have some very important non-Magic related files on my machine, and I had to make sure that nothing was compromised after last week's Flash vulnerability issues were addressed.

For me, that meant setting up a few extra precautions for protecting my data ... and completely removing the files from my current machine and going with a complete reinstall of my OS and programs. Ouch.

Just remember folks, better safe than sorry -- especially where computer security is concerned. The good news is that I now have a completely separate network for my important files and a dedicated gaming network for stuff like this.

Speaking of stuff like this, you're probably not here to listen to me discuss the finer points of my real life work. So let's talk about Magic!

Well, with the Shadowmoor release scheduled for this weekend on MTGO, it's not too hard to figure out where I WANT to spend my money for the month, but is it the BEST way to spend my $15?

Probably not, but what the heck!

In this case, it's actually liable to be a touch over the month's budget ... but except for watching The Incredible Hulk this weekend, spending some quality time with MTGO is much better than going outside where it's 186 degrees right now. Well, maybe it's only in the mid-90s, but it feels much closer to the boiling point of water than anything the weatherman's telling me.

My goal for the weekend is to play in one of the new casual tourneys with the flatter payout. If I can win just 2 of my 5 matches, I'll get two packs of cards -- that I can resell and use to bolster my collection of commons. If I can manage to win three matches, I could enter a release draft, or sell the packs. Heaven forbid, should I win four or five matches ... muhahahahahahaha!!! (evil laugh).

If nothing else, I hope to pick up a few of the Shadowmoor commons that will be really good for casual play. The multicolor/hybrid cards rock. You'll see them everywhere. They're specially broken in limited -- and when combined with other multicolor cards. Multicolor critter + multicolor enchantment = good times.

But there's not as much goodness in the mono-color cards. I'm looking forward to Briarberry Cohort and Crabapple Cohort myself. I know Faerie Macabre will be a tourney sideboard card, and Burn Trail will be broken in limited. Possibly my favorite card right now is Hungry Spriggan -- I just love the art and text. If nothing else, I'll try to get a signed artist's proof ... but if I see the original artwork go on sale ... I might invest. Just the look on the guy's face makes me laugh. Plus the flavor of the card as a whole makes my day. However, my first thought from looking at the single color commons is that you're going to see a lot of Sickle Rippers and Ballynock Cohorts. But not near as much as you will the multicolor cards in the set.

Maybe it's just me -- but this is a set that looks a lot more fun at the uncommon and rare levels. Kitchen Finks will be a 1+ ticket card right off the bat I bet. This set has a lot of love for the constructed serious player, I think. But there's also going to be a a few more tribes to build fun decks around, especially the Scarecrows. In addition, I love the idea of playing Twilight Shepherd in my Angel deck. That's definitely a card that will swing games. I'm hoping the 3WWW cost will keep it from becoming too constructed-worthy, so I can afford to get at least one or two for my decks on the cheap.

The one card that I will build a deck around at some point is Knollspine Invocation. Let me think, what's a card that I can discard and get back into my hand cheaply. And when I say cheaply, I mean ... free! What rhymes with free, oh yeah, Squee! I see the beginnings of a beautiful deck there.

Anyway, I'll post back eariler next week with all the gory details on how I did in the release events and the options I have for the rest of the month.

Oh, and if anyone has any ideas on how to get an artist's proof or such for Hungry Spriggan -- let me know. I looked at Drew Tucker's site on the web -- but I don't think it's still active.

As always, if there's anything I can do to make your MTGO time a little nicer -- let me know via this site, or by dropping me an e-mail to thrifty.djinn@gmail.com or just chat me up in game when you can catch me!




Seth said...

Kitchen finks is like the "IT" uncommon of SHM. It's going for around $5 right now online, but since the paper version is around $2 you might as well sell it now and buy 2 or three back in a couple weeks for the same price.

Rob said...

in regards to drew tucker.. did that website at least have an email or even a physical address? if it had an email I would politely email the guy and ask if you could purchase one from him. i mean the worse that could happen is you will never get an email back.. if that fails try contacting the guy that does the taste the magic article .. or even the magic art boards on some of the magic websites.. or look to a prerelease and try to get someone who is going to that event to pick you up one.. or try ebay.

greekfloyd said...

this blog seems promising, we'll be in touch!

Don! said...


First round I lost 2-1.

My cards were semi-solid, but no real bombs. Tanaka_Katana_Nakata_JP had a similar deck, and he was better at playing with it than I was. I'll go into a bit more detail in the next blog post -- but I'm definately just hoping to win my two games and get two packs for about 6 hours work!



Don! said...

Round Two.

I got matched up with Bomb Boy, at least in the draft sense. Catsg seemed like a nice enough guy, but how do you lose a match with Shield of the Oversoul, Firespout, Twilight Shepherd, and all the other good green/white/red cards in this format?

I should have asked, but I bet the deck he lost to must have had a lot of the same cards he did.

Bleh, his bad luck was losing in Round one, my bad luck was facing him in round two.

Okay, now the hour wait for round three begins! Off for lunch!



Don! said...

Well, I finished out at 2-3 -- good enough for two free packs. I figure I'll sell off the packs and get some bulk commons later this month when the prices come down.

Not bad for a day's play. If you consider this work though, you're likely to be disappointed!

People keep telling me this is a great draft set -- so some of you all will have to tell me how it goes! I felt the limited was way too swingy and bombtastic for my tastes ... of course, that could be because all the bombs were on the other side of the table. ;-)

Anyway, I'll poke out a write up later -- have fun out there.



Unknown said...

Drowner Initiate can be a real nasty bugger in limited! My first draft first round game was a U/W mirror and he had that card. I got milled out both games and only saw most of my good cards as they were mocking me from my graveyard!! For the Blue mage, I think this common is going to end up in some decks.